Evolution | The Game

New and Modified Atributes

Game Setup

  1. Place watering Hole on the table.
  2. This is the food pool.

  3. Place food tokens in tray,
    This is the food bank.

  4. Each player is given a new species board with one brown cube for body sizes and one green cube for population size. Place both cubes at level one to start.

  5. Shuffle the draw deck of atribute cards.

  6. Roll to see who goes first and move the dinosaur (first fed indicator) in front of that player.

Game Flow

PHASE 1 | Deal Cards

Each round begins with dealing out 3 atribute cards per player, plus 1 card per species board.

Each player chooses one of their unused cards and places it face down in the watering hole (food pool).

The remaining cards may be used to add atribute to a species by placing card face down on a species board.
  • Pay 1 card to purchase an new species board.
  • Pay 1 card to increase the population by 1.
  • Pay 1 card to increase the body size by 1.
  • Discard an atribute card to make way for a new one.
  • Atribute cards may also remain in the player's hand for future use, including intelegent actions.

    PHASE 2 | Stock Food Pool
    The cards placed in the watering hole determine how many food chits get placed in the food pool for this turn and are then discarded.

    PHASE 3 | Reveal Cards
    Simplified Version: All new atributes cards are revield at once.

    PHASE 4 | Feeding
    First feeder feeds first, then each player in turn.

    Unless specified otherwise, herbavors feed from the food pool. Carnivors are fed the equivilant of their victums body size from the food bank.
    1. All Nocturnal species feed once from food bank.

    2. All Long Neck species feed once from food bank.

    3. This may include extemded feeding by cooperation and foraging as well.
    4. Daytime feeding cycle, starting with the first feeder, continue taking turns feeding until food pool is empty and/or every species that can feed has been fed, including carnivors and nocturnal creatures.

    PHASE 5 | End of day

    When the food pool is dry and species are still hungry... When all the food is gone...
    PHASE 6 | Clean up

    End of Game

    If the bank runs out of food or atribute cards, that's the last round. Finish it, and the winner is determined by adding up: The winner gets to clean up and put away the game.

    Attribute Cards

    Ambush 14 cards
    This species may ignore Nocturnal, Warning Call and Flying defenses when attacking. You may only you cannot ambush the same species twice on the same feeding turn

    Burrowing 14 cards
    The population of this species that has been fed cannot be attacked. When used with Hibernation, up to 4 of the unfed population is also protected.

    Carnivore 40 cards
    This species only eats meat. When it attacks species smaller in body size, it receives the number of meat resources equivalent its victim’s body size.

    Climbing 14 cards
    This species cannot be attacked by a carnivore without climbing or flying.

    Cooling Frills 7 cards
    Add +2 to body size when defending from an attack. It cannot be ambushed and is unaffected by any intelligence cards.

    Cooperation 14 cards
    When this species takes food, your species to the right takes one food from the same source.

    Defensive Herding 14 cards
    This species can only be attacked by a larger population.

    Fat Tissue 14 cards
    This species may move food tokens to body size instead of your food bag and use them for unfed burrowing creatures, and each fat reserve token can protect a population from famine. This species may not fly or ambush.

    Fertility 7 cards
    This species increases population by one at the end of the round if two or more of its population has been fed.

    Flocking/Herding 7 cards
    Add population to size for defense of this species.

    Flying 7 cards
    This species is protected from non-avians without ambush and may attack tree climbing creatures. May not exceed a body size of six, except for flocking/herding bonus. No flying with fat or fur.

    Foraging 14 cards
    This species takes 1 extra helping every time they eat plant food.

    Hard Shell 4 cards
    Add +4 to body size when defending from an attack.

    Heavy Fur 7 cards
    Doubles natural body size before adding attributes. This species may not fly or ambush.

    Hibernation 7 cards
    This species may ignore up to 2 unfed members in its population and they will not starve. Up to 4 population can survive not being fed if used with burrowing or heavy fur.

    Horns 14 cards
    When attacked, the carnivore loses one of their population before being fed.

    Intelligence14 cards
    Species with intelligence may play a card from their hand to; negate any one defensive attribute when attacking OR take 2 chits from the food bank.

    Long Neck14 cards
    This species takes 1 plant food from the food bank before the food cards are revealed. Foraging and cooperation food also come from the bank during this special feeding time.

    Migratory 7 cards
    This species takes two plant food from the food bank on the feeding turn after the water hole is empty of food resources.

    Mud Wallowing 7 cards
    Can never be ambushed, and cannot be attacked if fed. To eat this species costs the attacker one card.

    Nocturnal 7 cards
    May only be attacked by another Nocturnal species or a carnivore with intelligence.

    Pack Hunting 14 cards
    This species adds its population to body size when attacking.

    Scavenger 14 cards
    This species takes 1 meat food from the food bank after any carnivore attacks.

    Symbiosis 14 cards
    This species cannot be attacked if the species to its right has a larger body size.

    Warning Call 14 cards
    Your species to the left and right of this species can only be attacked by a carnivore with Ambush.

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